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Avoiding Dampness Issues When Insulating Homes

  • Thursday 03 October 2013

The Government’s Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) schemes will result in a large increase in the number of homes being insulated in the coming years. Whilst this is to be commended, it is important that any insulating measures are carried out in such a way as to avoid causing or exacerbating dampness problems in the buildings to which they area applied.

All types of insulation materials will have an effect on the dynamics of moisture and vapour flow in any buildings to which they are applied and it is important that that this is understood by designers and installers of insulation systems if dampness issues are to be avoided.

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5% VAT on Stormdry Applications

  • Monday 01 July 2013

Stormdry masonry protection cream has been qualified for 5% VAT by the Ministry of Justice. This applies when Stormdry is used for energy saving purposes on wall insulation applications.

Stormdry's classification as an energy saving material means the 5% VAT rate applies for both installation and product costs. The rate is for all residential properties and buildings used solely for a charitable purpose.

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